Sound Henge

Bricks Bristol, Dec 2022

Sound installation mixed media & sound, 23:36

Funded by Bricks, Help Musicians UK & the Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Award.

Sound Henge - an immersive & interactive tufted stone circle inspired by the history & folklore of stone circles. Guided by archaeologists Dr Susan Greaney & Dr Matt Law alongside spatial sound designer Nik Rawlings of

Using conductive & natural wool, five full size stones complete a circle through which audience are invited to walk, dance & sit, whilst immersed in a 360 degree soundscape. Public are welcome to gently touch the stones, with certain pacthes triggering sound via touch.

The exhibition linked to a range of curated events including craft & music workshops, talks by Dr Susan Greaney & Professor Ronald Hutton, a Winter Solstice celebration with Boss Morris & a podcast exploring contemporary views on traditional crafts & lockdown creativity.

A brilliantly intriguing and inviting experience, Sound Henge brought together people of all ages to St. Annes House as they investigated and interacted with the work. Audience members activated parts of the installation through touch, and in turn were activated by it, as the tactility, visual detail and the use of multiple speakers encouraged them to explore the installation. Each person crafted their own experience as they moved amongst the stones strolling, sitting, crouching, dancing and touching. Bricks Community Engagement Producer, Georgia Bates