Melodica Lungs

Bristol Beacon, Sept 2023

Mixed media sound installation

Funded by Arts Council England

As part of Savinder Bual’s Free Reed Exhibition (featuring responses by Elena Blanco, Sarah Boulton, Roseanna Dias & Madame Ceski).:

‘a sculptural installation made out of reclaimed construction pipes, activated by being blown into or hand-pumped, giving voice to the work. The project highlights the importance of freedom of speech & deep listening.’

For this project, I wanted to explore the sound world created by free reed instruments, which took me into an array of possibilities including car horns, party blowers, duck quackers & pitch pipes. I also looked into ways of moving air through using everyday items like hoovers & bicycle pumps. During the transformation of the Bristol Beacon building, I was able to visit the Harrison & Harrison organ built into the concert hall, to see for myself the vast array of behind-the-scenes pipework that creates its incredible sound.

All of this led to me creating a participatory sound installation. Democratic drone making was encouraged through squidgy movement & play, using melodicas & inflatable mattresses. These sound interventions happened alongside & with Savinder’s work & we welcomed a wide audience.